The Philosophy of Nicola Ferri

Wine at the center of our Actions

My passion for wine was born during my childhood, when my grandfather Nicola, continuing the work of his father Michele, founded a small vine-growing and wine-producing business, carried on by my father Andrea, who gave it the first real industrial connotation.
I have seen producing wine with just the strength of one's arms, I still remember the cart loaded with wooden vats used for the fermentation of the harvested grapes, the hand-crushing, the decanting with the piston pump. And they were ancient and pleasant times, because, despite the hard work, the results were somehow more gratifying: nowadays, with the technology available, everything is easier. In the wake of these life experiences and in spite of my studies, those smells and those memories dragged me in this wonderful adventure. Therefore I have chosen to dedicate my life to wine, committing myself to the aim to transmit the purest emotions. During these years, I have tried to build a company having a human and familiar dimension, producing niche wines, in small amounts and using the experience gathered by my ancestors in this magic process: mutating a simple grape juice into a delight for the palate. I always tried, and stubbornly continue to do so, to produce wines with their own style and that reflect all what my land, kissed by the sun, has to give. Every single Ferri wine is, in fact, the fruit of my dedication, my professionalism and my day-by-day efforts to create the best possible wines.


In Vino Veritas